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Showing Model Horses
Model horse showing is an activity that comes to us from the world of "real" horses. Shows put model horses in competition with each other, generally using the same standards that live horses are held to. Model horses, both original finish and customized, can compete in a wide variety of classes covering (among other things) gender, color, breed, and performance. How are model horses judged? Just like in live horse shows, models are judged on how well they meet the established standards for a class. In breed classes, for example, the model will be judged on how well its conformation and color meet the requirements for that breed. Hobbyists who want to do well in today's competitive show environment need to research the real world requirements for the breed or type of performance class being entered. And, just like in those other shows, presentation also plays a major part. A winning model horse will be in top-notch shape, with no noticeable scratches, chips, or breaks. Its color will be bright, with little or no paint overspray or other manufacturer's defects. It will also be set up well, with nothing distracting the viewer from the illusion that the model is a "real" horse.
How are model horse shows held?
Live Shows most closely match what you may have seen in "real" horse shows. Participants pack up their models and bring them to a predetermined location where they are placed in show rings and judged alongside their competitors. BreyerFest is the biggest example of this, and many other live shows can be found through the list found below. Model horses which have earned a "NAN card" during the show year by placing 1st or 2nd in an approved live show may enter the North American Nationals (NAN) held in July of each year by North American Model Horse Shows Association (NAMHSA). The photos below are courtesy of Jackie Moore/
Live Showing Tips Live Show Etiquette (.pdf)
NAN cards and NAN ribbon NAN championship plaques and ribbons NAN champion Photo Shows allow model horse owners from all over the world to compete against each other without ever meeting face-to-face. A scene is set up that features the model in either a natural or studio setting and a photo is taken. Photos can either be the traditional paper pictures or, more frequently, digital photos. These photos are then submitted to the show holder who uses these photos to judge how well each model compares to its competition and to the requirements of the class. For more information I suggest contacting International Model Equine Hobbyist's Association, Inc. (IMEHA) or Model Equine Photo Showers Association (MEPSA).
Halter Class, Natural Background Breeding Class, Natural Background
Parade Class, Studio Background
How can original finish models compete? Aren't they all the same? Yes and no. While it's true that there are hundreds or thousands of any one model made, thanks to Breyer's hand painting no two are exactly alike. Those that have good, even body coloring, finely done detailing, smooth seams and straight, non-warped legs will do the best in the show ring. Also very important is minimal to no overspray, or paint from one area that has "leaked" over into another, such as when white paint from a mane covers some of the body paint on the body. Any scratches or scuffs will count heavily against a model (less so on very old "vintage" models), so it's best to bring only your finest, most mint condition models to a live show. For information on determining the appropriate breed for your model, please see Breyer's excellent webpage, Do Your Model Horse Homework For Breed Assignment!.
How to I find model horse shows to enter?
Web sites with lists of upcoming live shows:
- - Events Page
- Model Horse Gallery Live Show Listing
- North American Model Horse Shows Association Upcoming Member Shows
- British Model Equine Championships
- Down Under Model Horse Society
- Model Horse Show N Go
Clubs Offering Photo and/or Live Shows
- North American Model Horse Shows Association - NAMHSA
- Model Equine Photo Showers Association - MEPSA
- Online Model Horse Photo Shows - OMHPS
This website, including all photographs and original text, is Copyright IDYB © 2001-.
It is not sponsored by Breyer Horses, which is a division of Reeves International, Inc.